Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh My Goodness!!!

All I can say is WOW!! That was like scary and crazy too watch. I honestly felt so uncomfortable just sitting in front of my tv, I can't imagine how the fellow classmates on High School Reunion had to feel being involved in that situation. I can't believe and am totally disgusted that Maricella is a prostitute!! That was very shocking and unexpected. I can't imagine how Scott W. is going to react to this?? I understand that Jessica was getting irritated with Maricella, but how are prostitutes supposed to act? I don't think that anyone would go to their high school reunion and act all slutty... Jessica definitely could have come out with the truth in a different way. I have to say I really cannot to see how the class reacts to this shocking revelation. In the previews for the next episode it shows Jenny and Maricella crying together...what does it have to do with Jenny? Is Jenny a prostitute too? (jk I don't really think that). Ahh...I don't know. Can't wait to see what else happens.

Also, it was really hard to watch Tom and Kara talk about their issue. Apparently Tom was helping someone with an invenstment and Kara thought he ripped the person off?? I don't fully understand, but I really hope they can work through it and get back together.

I love High School Reunion!! Yea

Thursday, March 19, 2009

High School Reunion Confusion

The producers of this show are doing a great job of confusing me right now. So is it Kara that has the BIG, HUGE, SHOCKING secret? I'm amazed that everything I thought about Tom and Kara's relationship was pretty much wrong. I thought Kara was the one who seemed like she wanted Tom back, bu it is exactly the opposite. On their hall pass Tom was really trying and it was sweet, but it doesn't seem like Kara is really that interested in hearing what he has to say. You can totally tell that they both still care about each other but now Kara has a secret or "unresolved issue"? Do her and Dennis have a secret romance? You could tell on Kara and Dennis' hall pass that he was really into her and why shouldn't he be? She seems like a great person, but we won't really know if that is true or not until she reveals what kind of skeletons she's hiding in her closet!!

As for Jenny and Liz, I am glad they were actually able to act like adults and work out their issues. They had a camping trip together where they had to work together basically just to put their tent up, but they actually managed to get it done, after almost killing each other. After the tent was up they got a chance to sit down and talk to each other about their feelings. Just think, the whole issue could've been avoided if they would have talked like civilized people from the very beginning, but we all know by now that people harbor ill feelings from high school their whole lives.

Last but not least there is Andrew...WOW! It was so hard to watch him get completely rejected by Lynnette. I felt so bad for him. It was one of those situations where you can barely stand to watch because you are so embarassed for the person. He tried to lean in for a kiss from Lynnette and she totally shut him down! Also, Manny and Dennis tried to teach Andrew to be more like them. How contrived was the whole scene when they were all at the bar and Dennis was hitting on those girls? I mean seriously, they might ber able to keep a shocking secret from me but I think I am little too smart to think that was real.

I wish it was Wednesday again already!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Un-Real Housewives of NY

Oh my goodness I seriously don't know if I can stand one more second of LuAnn. LuAnn is constantly judging everyone around her, yet she seems to think she is the classiest person alive?? I don't get it... I thought it was hilarious how she was laughing at Simon and Alex for writing a book about raising children, because she thinks they are bad parents, when she has no manners at all and she is writing a book about how to be as proper as her. Hmm... is talking behind someones back really good manners? I also liked how she was trying to teach Bethenny how to pick up a man. I mean seriously I think if Bethenny really wanted she would have no problem finding someone. LuAnn needs to get over herself!! I'm glad I got that out.

Now onto Simon and Alex. Doesn't Simon run a hotel? Isn't there anyway his family could stay there while his house is being renovated? Also, Alex revealed that her and Simon met on a dating website while they were both looking for one night stands! That just wierded me out. I think they both seem very strange and I could have gone without hearing that line. At least this weeks episode was a little more entertaining than previous shows, but Orange County and Atlanta are by far much much more entertaining. I love the Real Housewives so I of course will still watch.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Keeping up with the K's

I absolutely love the Kardashian girls so much, they totally remind me of my family except for really famous. They just seem like a real and fun family and that's why I think they are so great. Kourtney Kardashian had her first photo shoot during this episode and she hired her mother Kris as her manager. Kris totally forgot about her daughters shoot because she was at a press event with Kim. Kourtney was completely freaked out and would not even talk to her mother, because she felt like her mom was playing favorites with Kim. I mean seriously I would have been upset, but Kourtney is like 30 years old. Why does she need her mom there to hold her hand? I didn't really get why she didn't handle the situation like an adult.
The funniest part of the whole show was when Rob and his gf Adrienne (from the Cheetah Girls) moved in together. Rob was a total neat freak and he totally jumped all over his girlfriend for leaving peanut butter and jelly on the counter and eating a sandwich while sitting on the couch!! I laughed so hard because I can't even imagine anyone being that anal. As she was walking out on him he was still lecturing her on how messy she was. I would seriously go crazy if I had someone following me around telling me I need to clean up after myself. I mean once again they are adults! It was still great entertainment and I am so glad that the show is back on! I can't wait for the next episode.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Just Happened?

Scott H. left...don't know why. Did Dennis say something off camera, or is Scott just really sensitive? I am confused, but I'm glad it wasn't Dennis, Scott S. Or Shalonda that left, we need these three to stay together and stir up some more drama!! I have to say Dennis had a lot of guts to stand up and say he was wrong and face everyone like that. I am also very happy to see Shalonda forgive him, afterall, we all make mistakes.
I totally feel sorry for the newcomer Andrew, I just don't think things are going to turn out the way he wants with him and Lynette. I also feel sorry for Lynette because you can tell she wants to be nice and not hurt his feelings, but at the same time not give him any ideas that they are going to be more than friends.
I must say amen to Jenny saying that everyone in the house is too serious! Its just drama after drama, but on the otherhand that's why I love it!
Omg! What?? There is going to be a love triangle between Tom Kara and Dennis?? I can't wait to see what happens! I absolutely love Kara, she seems like the sweetest person ever. I can't wait to see what happens!! I also am very excited for this little camping trip with Jenny and Liz. It looks like they might actually kill each other haha.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Love Crazy People!

I have to say, I totally called it! Frank "The Entertainer" is completely losing his mind. I loved how at the end of the show it showed him in his interview with his head exploding. I can't stand the fact that Frank was getting upset because his alliance was getting played when that is exactly what he has been, and still is trying to do to the other players. At least in Big Brother the people on the show realize that they are going to get played at some point, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPETITION!!! Its going down just how I knew it would. Tailor Made is in total control of the house, and will be unless there is some way they can oust him.

As for Rock of Love Bus, the last episode was pretty much uneventful. I don't see a single girl on the show that seems like they are going to be in a long term relationship with Bret. I don't really care about whether or not Bret Michaels finds love or not, I am watching this show strictly for the fact that there is going to be a cat fight. On the preview for the next episode it shows Brittania taking a swing at everyones favorite Vegas stripper...Heather! There is no way that you can beat that kind of entertainment! That is why this show is in its third season, and if Bret ever does find love I hope they find another washed up rocker to replace him!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

High School Reunion- Episode 3

So the third episode of high school reunion did not disappoint. It absolutely broke my heart when Scott and Kara went out on the hall pass. It is so incredible how in love Tom and Kara are! Why the heck would they get a divorce?? Seriously they are totally meant for each other, they are both so sweet!
As for Dennis, it was pretty hard to watch him terrorize the house, but I really think that Scott and Shalonda need to grow up and learn to look past peoples mistakes and forgive and forget! Come on people this is just a reunion, you are no longer 18yrs old. You don't need to go around talking behind each others backs and holding a grudge from 20 years ago! They are in Hawaii! They all need to start livin it up, and stop worrying about their petty little tiffs from 1988!
I just want them to come out with this secret from the past that is so-called going to "ruin" someones life?? What could it possibly be? If anyone has any clues, please pass it along. I am desperate to know, and if this is like every other reality show, they will wait til the end of the show to spill the juice!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

For the Love of Ray J and Money!

My goodness there are some crazy people on VH1! Seriously between For the Love of Ray J and I Love Money I have never seen so many crazy people in my entire life...except maybe for the girls on Rock of Love Bus. So last night on For the Love of Ray J the girls were supposed to box each other for Ray J's love, which if it would of happened like it was supposed to would have been the best challenge I have ever seen on a reality tv show, but one of the girls (Unique) was too scared! I couldn't believe it! I was so pumped to watch this. All the girls do is run around and talk behind each others back, so what better way to show they really hate each other than punch each other repeatedly in the face? The one boxing match that actually went down was between Feisty (the smallest girl on the show) and Lil Hood (a complete psycho). Feisty ended up winning which led Lil Hood to her complete meltdown. The funniest thing was when Lil Hood said that Ray J was spoiled and left the show! I didn't want her to leave because her psychoness was really entertaining! I hope that another love reality show adopts the whole boxing match thing and actually goes through with it.

As for I love Money, I think it is hilarious that Tailor Made is finally beginning his masterful manipulation of the entire cast. I can't believe they didn't vote him off at the very beginning, because none of them are smart enough to not fall for his little mind games. I'm pretty sure that Frank, The Entertainer is probably going to completely lose his mind very soon. He is super crazy and its only getting worse, because all of his plans to take over the house continue to fail. There really isn't too much drama in this show, so I probably won't keep posting on it unless something really exciting happens.