Thursday, March 19, 2009

High School Reunion Confusion

The producers of this show are doing a great job of confusing me right now. So is it Kara that has the BIG, HUGE, SHOCKING secret? I'm amazed that everything I thought about Tom and Kara's relationship was pretty much wrong. I thought Kara was the one who seemed like she wanted Tom back, bu it is exactly the opposite. On their hall pass Tom was really trying and it was sweet, but it doesn't seem like Kara is really that interested in hearing what he has to say. You can totally tell that they both still care about each other but now Kara has a secret or "unresolved issue"? Do her and Dennis have a secret romance? You could tell on Kara and Dennis' hall pass that he was really into her and why shouldn't he be? She seems like a great person, but we won't really know if that is true or not until she reveals what kind of skeletons she's hiding in her closet!!

As for Jenny and Liz, I am glad they were actually able to act like adults and work out their issues. They had a camping trip together where they had to work together basically just to put their tent up, but they actually managed to get it done, after almost killing each other. After the tent was up they got a chance to sit down and talk to each other about their feelings. Just think, the whole issue could've been avoided if they would have talked like civilized people from the very beginning, but we all know by now that people harbor ill feelings from high school their whole lives.

Last but not least there is Andrew...WOW! It was so hard to watch him get completely rejected by Lynnette. I felt so bad for him. It was one of those situations where you can barely stand to watch because you are so embarassed for the person. He tried to lean in for a kiss from Lynnette and she totally shut him down! Also, Manny and Dennis tried to teach Andrew to be more like them. How contrived was the whole scene when they were all at the bar and Dennis was hitting on those girls? I mean seriously, they might ber able to keep a shocking secret from me but I think I am little too smart to think that was real.

I wish it was Wednesday again already!!


  1. I agree on the whole Andrew situation. How uncomfortable to watch!

    I realized last night that, in typical Mike Fleiss fashion, he's now over-hyped this SHOCKING secret and I'm almost to the point of not even caring anymore about it. I think there are some issues that Kara has to work out, but I don't think she is involved with the SHOCKING secret. I think they're just trying to get people drawn in again after we're all just like get it over already... What's the darn secret?

  2. Haha thats how I feel too. I wish I could fast forward to the good part!

  3. Gretchen! Is Lynette really a snob or is it just me? Everyone on the msg. boards are fighting me on this right now!!
