Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh My Goodness!!!

All I can say is WOW!! That was like scary and crazy too watch. I honestly felt so uncomfortable just sitting in front of my tv, I can't imagine how the fellow classmates on High School Reunion had to feel being involved in that situation. I can't believe and am totally disgusted that Maricella is a prostitute!! That was very shocking and unexpected. I can't imagine how Scott W. is going to react to this?? I understand that Jessica was getting irritated with Maricella, but how are prostitutes supposed to act? I don't think that anyone would go to their high school reunion and act all slutty... Jessica definitely could have come out with the truth in a different way. I have to say I really cannot to see how the class reacts to this shocking revelation. In the previews for the next episode it shows Jenny and Maricella crying together...what does it have to do with Jenny? Is Jenny a prostitute too? (jk I don't really think that). Ahh...I don't know. Can't wait to see what else happens.

Also, it was really hard to watch Tom and Kara talk about their issue. Apparently Tom was helping someone with an invenstment and Kara thought he ripped the person off?? I don't fully understand, but I really hope they can work through it and get back together.

I love High School Reunion!! Yea


  1. Well, that was quite SHOCKING, so for once Mike Fleiss didn't disappoint... but I don't know if I really 100% believe Jessica.

    Jessica is clearly off-kilter and it seems to me that she might be a Borderline (with the typical "I hate you, get away from me... wait, why are you leaving me????" attitude). I think there are a few scenarios that could be in play: she's making the whole thing up, or she's grossly exaggerating some part of Maricela's past (maybe some something in the adult entertainment industry), or maybe she is absolutely telling the truth. But even if she is telling the truth, I think it's really classless and immature to just "out" Maricela in that way, especially with cameras rolling.

    I totally felt for Kara last night. She should have confronted Tom long ago about the issue, but as she said, she didn't feel it was her place to do (after all, she is the EX-wife). So, she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Hopefully, after some reflection time, Tom will realize that and they can communicate some more about it.

  2. I just watched the uncut version that's much longer than what they showed last night. Watching that clip made me feel even more like Jessica is making up some, if not all, of the hooker story.
    Maybe Maricela works for some sort of escort service. Sometimes those girls are truly just "arm candy" companions for men and they don't get into sexual favors... I don't know. But Jessica is off, no matter what the true story is.
